Ebook Teknik Gratis Download

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:megaphone: Ebook Umum :megaphone:
kamus istilah.PNG
Download : Kamus Istilah Bidang Pekerjaan Umum (85 Halaman)

buku teknik sipil.PNG
Download : Buku Teknik Sipil (210 Halaman)

civil engineering 2.PNG
Download : Civil Engineering License Review By Donald G. Newnan - James H. Banks (79 Halaman)

civil engineering.PNG
Download : Civil Engineering Formulas Pocket Guide (480 Halaman)

edward allen.PNG
Download : Edward Allen Architectural Detailing Function Constructibility Aesthetics (279 Halaman)

standard hanbook.PNG
Download : Standard Handbook of Engineering Calculations (1125 Halaman)

Aplikasi Excel untuk Rekayasa Teknik Sipil.PNG
Download : Aplikasi Excel untuk Rekayasa Teknik Sipil (97 Halaman)

Etabs Concrete Frame Design Manual.PNG
Download : Etabs Concrete Frame Design Manual (161 Halaman)

Etabs Shear Wall Design Manual UBC 97.PNG
Download : Etabs Shear Wall Design Manual UBC 97 (197 Halaman)

Etabs Steel Frame Design Manual.PNG
Download : Etabs Steel Frame Design Manual (283 Halaman)

Ilmu dan Alat Ukur Tanah.PNG
Download : Ilmu dan Alat Ukur Tanah (95 Halaman)

Modul Pelatihan ETABS.PNG
Download : Modul Pelatihan ETABS (36 Halaman)

Tutorial Revit Advance.PNG
Download : Tutorial Revit Advance (46 Tutorial)

Tutorial Revit Basic.PNG
Download : Tutorial Revit Basic (27 Tutorial)

autodesk revit practice.PNG
Download : autodesk revit practice (342 Halaman)

revit architecture.PNG
Download : revit architecture 2010 (987 Halaman)


:megaphone: Ebook Geoteknik :megaphone:

Analisis penggunaan.PNG
Download : Skripsi Analisis Penggunan Struktur Pondasi Sarang Laba-laba Pada Gedung BNI 46 Wilayah 05 Semarang (183 Halaman)

Analisis struktur.PNG
Download : Skripsi Analisis Struktur Pondasi Konstruksi Sarang Laba-laba (KSLL) pada Gudang Pabrik NKI Bandung (57 Halaman)

Sistem perkerasan cakar ayam.PNG
Download : Sistem Perkerasan Cakar Ayam (CA) & Cakar Ayam Modifikasi (CAM) sebagai Perkerasan Jalan dan Bandara (Utamanya di Atas Tanah Lunak Ekspansif) (82 Halaman)

design aid soil.PNG
Download : Design aids in soil mechanics and foundation engineering (722 Halaman)

Foundation Design - Coduto Book.PNG
Download : Foundation Design - Coduto Book (899 Halaman)

Foundation Engineering Handbook 2nd Ed.PNG
Download : Foundation Engineering Handbook 2nd Ed (1008 Halaman)

Nelson J. D., Foundation Engineering for Expansive Soils, 2015.PNG
Download : Nelson J. D., Foundation Engineering for Expansive Soils, 2015 (414 Halaman)

Principles of Foundation Engineering 6th - Solution Manual.PNG
Download : Principles of Foundation Engineering 6th - Solution Manual (160 Halaman)

Download : principles of foundation engineering_7th_SIed (815 Halaman)

Download : Sistem_Perencanaan_Pondasi_Untuk_Mesin_Genset_Akibat_Beban_Statis_dan_Beban_Dinamis (8 Halaman)

The Foundation Engineering Handbook.PNG
Download : The Foundation Engineering Handbook (625 Halaman)

Das Principles Geotechnical Engineering 7th.PNG
Download : Das Principles Geotechnical Engineering 7th (683 Halaman)

Dasar Mekanika Tanah.PNG
Download : Dasar Mekanika Tanah (78 Halaman)

Effective Stress Tests Volume 3.PNG
Download : Effective Stress Tests Volume 3 (431 Halaman)

Engineering Rock Mechanics.PNG
Download : Engineering Rock Mechanics (457 Halaman)

Excavations and Foundations in Soft Soils.PNG
Download : Excavations and Foundations in Soft Soils (591 Halaman)

Geosynthetic Design and Construction Guidelines.PNG
Download : Geosynthetic Design and Construction Guidelines (479 Halaman)

Handbook of Soil Analysis.PNG
Download : Handbook of Soil Analysis (996 Halaman)

Manual of Soil Laboratory Testing.PNG
Download : Manual of Soil Laboratory Testing (422 Halaman)

Permeability, shear strength and compressibility tests.PNG
Download : Permeability, shear strength and compressibility tests (454 Halaman)

PG 1 proses pembentukan dan sifat-sifat dasar tanah lunak.PNG
Download : PG 1 proses pembentukan dan sifat-sifat dasar tanah lunak (139 Halaman)

PG 2 desain dan pekerjaan lapangan.PNG
Download : PG 2 desain dan pekerjaan lapangan (108 Halaman)

PG 3 pengujian laboratorium.PNG
Download : PG 3 pengujian laboratorium (161 Halaman)

Problem Solving in Soil Mechanics.PNG
Download : Problem Solving in Soil Mechanics (190 Halaman)

Soil Mechanics Notes.PNG
Download : Soil Mechanics Notes (119 Halaman)

Soil Structure Interaction - The Real Behaviour of Structure.PNG
Download : Soil Structure Interaction - The Real Behaviour of Structure (117 Halaman)

Soils in Construction, 5th ed.PNG
Download : Soils in Construction, 5th ed (370 Halaman)


:megaphone: Ebook Struktur :megaphone:

Pedoman Pekerjaan Beton.PNG
Download : Pedoman Pekerjaan Beton (223 Halaman)

Journal A Study on Transparent Concrete.PNG
Download : Journal A Study on Transparent Concrete (5 Halaman)

Masonry Instant Answers.PNG
Download : Masonry Instant Answers (290 Halaman)

Materials From the Future.PNG
Download : Materials From the Future (31 Halaman)

Metal Building Systems Design and Specifications.PNG
Download : Metal Building Systems Design and Specifications (467 Halaman)

Analisis Metode Precast.PNG
Download : Analisis Metode Precast Half Slab pada Proyek X (10 Halaman)

Building Design and Construction Handbook.PNG
Download : Building Design and Construction Handbook 6th (1722 Halaman)

Design of Structural.PNG
Download : Design of Structural Elements (655 Halaman)

Introduction to Structural Analysis.PNG
Download : Introduction to Structural Analysis (327 Halaman)

Reinforced Concrete Design.PNG
Download : Reinforced Concrete Design (256 Halaman)

Reinforced Concrete Designers Handbook 10th Edition.PNG
Download : Reinforced Concrete Designers Handbook 10th Edition (449 Halaman)

Skripsi Desain Konseptual Struktur Tahan Gempa.PNG
Download : Skripsi Desain Konseptual Struktur Tahan Gempa (155 Halaman)

Structural Analysis 7th.PNG
Download : Structural Analysis 7th (403 Halaman)

Structural Analysis 8th.PNG
Download : Structural Analysis 8th (719 Halaman)

Structural concrete, theory and design.PNG
Download : Structural concrete, theory and design (1069 Halaman)

Structural Details In Concrete.PNG
Download : Structural Details In Concrete (269 Halaman)

Vertical Bracing Connections.PNG
Download : Vertical Bracing Connections (400 Halaman)

Penggunaan Block Set Connection (BSC).PNG
Download : Penggunaan Block Set Connection (BSC) (11 Halaman)

Perkembangan Sistem Struktur Beton Pracetak.PNG
Download : Perkembangan Sistem Struktur Beton Pracetak (9 Halaman)​

Studi Implementasi Beton Pracetak.PNG
Download : Studi Implementasi Beton Pracetak (20 Halaman)​

Tinjauan Penggunaaan Balok Pracetak Pada Pembangunan Gedung.PNG
Download : Tinjauan Penggunaaan Balok Pracetak Pada Pembangunan Gedung (11 Halaman)

Aplikasi SNI Gempa 1726-2012.PNG
Download : Aplikasi SNI Gempa 1726-2012 (138 Halaman)

Bridge Design Manual.PNG
Download : Bridge Design Manual (60 Halaman)

Bridge Engineering Construction and Maintenance.PNG
Download : Bridge Engineering Construction and Maintenance (236 Halaman)

Condition Evaluation of Bridges.PNG
Download : Condition Evaluation of Bridges (138 Halaman)

DoT - Bridge Design Manual.PNG
Download : DoT - Bridge Design Manual (530 Halaman)

Pembebanan Jembatan Jalan Raya.PNG
Download : Pembebanan Jembatan Jalan Raya (17 Halaman)

Peta Gempa Indonesia 2010.PNG
Download : Peta Gempa Indonesia 2010 (44 Halaman)

Konstruksi Baja.PNG
Download : Konstruksi Baja (169 Halaman)

Struktu beton Bertulang.PNG
Download : Struktur Beton Bertulang (271 Halaman)


:megaphone:Ebook Manajemen Konstruksi:megaphone:

Construction Health and Safety Manual.PNG
Download : Construction Health and Safety Manual (232 Halaman)

metode a half precast slab (metode pracetak separo slab) pada pembuatan pelat lantai.PNG
Download : metode a half precast slab (metode pracetak separo slab) pada pembuatan pelat lantai (27 Halaman)

Metode kerja bangunan sipil.PNG
Download : Metode kerja bangunan sipil (221 Halaman)

Project Management.PNG
Download : Project Management (914 Halaman)


:megaphone:Ebook Transportasi:megaphone:

Composite Pavements-A Technical and Economic Analysis During the Pavement Type Selection Process.PNG
Download : Composite Pavements-A Technical and Economic Analysis During the Pavement Type Selection Process (162 Halaman)

Fundamentals of Transportation.PNG
Download : Fundamentals of Transportation (194 Halaman)

Handbook of Transportation Engineering.PNG
Download : Handbook of Transportation Engineering (937 Halaman)

Download : Haul Road Design Guidelines (115 Halaman)

Highway Safety Manual.PNG
Download : Highway Safety Manual (1057 Halaman)

kajian lapangan perkerasan jalan beton pracetak di indonesia.PNG
Download : kajian lapangan perkerasan jalan beton pracetak di indonesia (22 Halaman)

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Download : kajian perancangan perkerasan jalan beton prategang (18 Halaman)

konstruksi jalan komposit menggunakan beton pracetak 400 dengan HRS.PNG
Download : konstruksi jalan komposit menggunakan beton pracetak 400 dengan HRS untuk memenuhi target umur rencana jalan (28 Halaman)

Manual Desain Perkerasan 2013 (Final).PNG
Download : Manual Desain Perkerasan 2013 (186 Halaman)

manual on uniform traffic control devices.PNG
Download : manual on uniform traffic control devices (864 Halaman)

Slab Track Laboratory Test Program.PNG
Download : Slab Track Laboratory Test Program (92 Halaman)

Transportation Safety Action Plans Revised 2011.PNG
Download : Transportation Safety Action Plans Revised 2011 (94 Halaman)

Download : Transport-Engineering (295 Halaman)


:megaphone:Ebook Hidrologi:megaphone:

Basic of Fluid Mechanics.PNG
Download : Basic of Fluid Mechanics (666 Halaman)

Concise Hydrology.PNG
Download : Concise Hydrology (145 Halaman)

Dasar dasar Hidrologi.PNG
Download : Dasar dasar Hidrologi (200 Halaman)

Download : Desain-Hidrolik-Bangunan-Irigasi (69 Halaman)

Drainase Perkotaan.PNG
Download : Drainase Perkotaan (219 Halaman)

Download : Drainasi-Terapan (66 Halaman)

Download : Fluid-Mechanics (551 Halaman)

Download : Fluid-Mechanics-Streeter (568 Halaman)

Download : Fluid-Transients-Wylie-Streeter (206 Halaman)

Hidrologi Aplikasi Metode statistik untuk analisa data Jilid 1.PNG
Download : Hidrologi Aplikasi Metode statistik untuk analisa data Jilid 1 (140 Halaman)

Hidrologi Aplikasi Metode statistik untuk analisa data Jilid 2.PNG
Download : Hidrologi Aplikasi Metode statistik untuk analisa data Jilid 2 (142 Halaman)

Hidrologi untuk Pengairan.PNG
Download : Hidrologi untuk Pengairan (229 Halaman)

Download : Hidrologi-Teknik (258 Halaman)

Download : Hydrologic-Analysis-and-Design (833 Halaman)

Hydrology and Groundwater Notes.PNG
Download : Hydrology and Groundwater Notes (136 Halaman)

Mekanika Fluida Dasar.PNG
Download : Mekanika Fluida Dasar (102 Halaman)

Download : Mekanika-Fluida (216 Halaman)

Download : Mekanika-Fluida-1 (96 Halaman)

Download : Mekanika-Fluida-Dan-Hidrolika (168 Halaman)

Tata Ruang Air Tanah.PNG
Download : Tata Ruang Air Tanah (534 Halaman)

Download : Teknik-Bendungan (212 Halaman)

Download : Teknik-Perhitungan-Debit-Rencana-Nhoer (118 Halaman)


:megaphone:Ebook K3:megaphone:

Makalah Manajemen Risiko K3 Pada Proyek Pembangunan Apartemen Puncak Permai Surabaya.PNG
Download : Makalah Manajemen Risiko K3 Pada Proyek Pembangunan Apartemen Puncak Permai Surabaya (8 Halaman)


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Posted On : Senin, 15 Mei 2017Time : Mei 15, 2017
| | Template Created By : Binkbenks | CopyRigt By : Belajar Online | |
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